
We have seen simple examples of drawings produced by {\logo META}{\logo FONT}. There are plenty of other commands which we have not discussed here. One of them is fill which fills in a cyclic path (try to define one and fill it by saying e.g.
fill z1..z2..z3..cycle;
where all points were previously defined). If you master {\logo META}{\logo FONT}, you can make lots of tricks.

I said that MFpic inserts an additional step which slows down the progress when you need to fine tune the curves. From this document it may seem that I did not make any improvement. The truth is that in your life you will not use the mfcode environment. It is used in this example to ensure that everything is distributed together. Normally the {\logo META}{\logo FONT} source code is written directly and is not created by running TEX.

I wanted to demonstrate that you have to know relatively small number of {\logo META}{\logo FONT} commands in order to draw simple pictures. If you try this, it will encourage you to study {\logo META}{\logo FONT}book. It is useful although you will probably never design your own letters.

It may happen that {\logo META}{\logo FONT} is extremely cumbersome for some particular case. Then you are free to scan an image using your scanner, modify it with e.g. Corel Draw, overlap it with pictures designed with {\logo META}{\logo FONT} and texts written in TEX, cut and paste it using the functions provided by dvidot or other drivers and polish it by means of PostScript features. The only limitation is the availability of different soft- and hardware tools and your own invention.

10000 Zdeněk Wagner
E. Hála Laboratory of Thermodynamics
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
CZ–165 02 Prague

e–mail: wagner@csearn.bitnet,
@open{\logo META}{\logo FONT}@out